Last minute gifts for gardeners: Christmas rush

Don’t panic! It’s the week before Christmas and the atmosphere is getting hectic. For many of us the thought that we need to find something special for that significant somebody has just hit home, but the remaining shopping days until the big weekend have really dwindled. It suddenly feels like it’s time for that last minute present buying rush.
There is some interesting research by consumer psychologists in America that has shown how last minute gift shopping often means a better gift is bought. Apparently in last minute shopping we don’t overthink, we distill our understanding to the essence of the person we are buying for and hone in on things they will really appreciate. Many retailers are innovating to get in on the act of last minute gifting, bundling up goods in prettily wrapped parcels.These days we are lucky the internet has opened up the possibility of buying last minute gifts, and making it so much easier than tramping down to the shops and negotiating the queues. Gift tokens can even be bought up until Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.
If not over-thinking the buying, and keeping to something simple, is the key to buying a gift which is just right, then last minute gifts for gardeners need to pick up on those ideas. There are lots of last minute gift suggestions by garden writers in the daily papers and gardening columns, and similar from major garden centres. But, we’d like to suggest that the most practical, gardener-focused, gift might just be one from Genus Gardenwear! We'll be working right up to Christmas Eve, and we have a great range of Genus gardening clothes and accessories that make the perfect gift for the serious gardener in your life. We even do gift vouchers. Happy Christmas!