Vlog - Agents of Field

Vlog - Agents of Field

Sophie and Ade’s YouTube channel won the Garden Media Guild’s Vlog of the year  with the judges calling it entertaining, well presented and informative.

Run from their kitchen garden in Suffolk, the short seasonal recordings, of seven minutes each, are part diary, part tips and advice.  The channel has high production values, and is professionally filmed, which is not surprising given their background in TV and film.

Originally filmed from the couple’s allotment in Watford, it then follows the couple’s bold lifestyle move from working in London for 20 years to re-locating to Suffolk, as Ade builds a kitchen garden from scratch.

He’s an excellent, focussed and hard-working gardener and unsurprisingly his kitchen garden is enviably productive.  In autumn Ade talks us through his bumper crop of squash recommending varieties such as ‘Crown Prince’ and ‘Hooligan’ for flavour.  Now that he’s acquired a rather stylish black greenhouse he can produce a wonderful range of crops, from chilies and aubergines to tomatoes.

Ade’s happy to share his mistakes as well as his successes and when blight strikes his tomatoes we see how he rescues his crop successfully.  He also talks about how to use nasturtiums as sacrificial plants to grow alongside brassicas and attract aphids. You can see nasturtiums covered in caterpillars, so it obviously works.

Sophie, who is also an excellent presenter, makes appearances talking for example about how to attract hedgehogs.  She’s also an absolute whiz in the kitchen creating wonderful recipes from their homegrown produce and it would be great to see more of her and her fab recipes.

The couple are testament to successfully leaving the rat race and living a modern day good life, sharing their knowledge via social media, blogs and this fabulous YouTube channel.


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