Hot moves

Hot moves

Just like everyone else we’ve been experiencing extremes of heat in the Genus garden over the last week or two.  Heavy rains before it all started have meant that soil moisture levels have remained high and grass that would normally stop growing has continued apace.

The hot weather would normally put a halt to moving plants at this time of the year but our huge Euphorbia palustris, over 2 metres across, was getting too big for its allotted space.  Drastic measures were required.

Cut to the ground and with all stem and leaves removed we were left with a large rootstock.  This was split into three with a spade, one piece remaining and two moved to a new location in the shrubbery; holes were dug and watered thoroughly, and the  plants then placed in position with soil slowly added around them, watering as we went, and ‘puddling' them in along with the addition of some pelleted manure.

Back in the original position two wonderful dark orange Hemerocallis (pictured) -refugees from a previous clearance operation - were planted and watered in and with their strappy leaves and hot headed flowers will offer a nice contrast to the acid yellow of the Euphorbia.

Clothes in action today - Men's Summer Gardening Shorts

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Gardeners' notes - what to do in January

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