Renewals and repairs

Renewals and repairs

Some days at Genus HQ have to be more about the infrastructure than the plants, so this week we put aside a day to complete a few practical tasks that required attention.  Our vegetable garden is made up of 16 individual raised beds with timber edging as well as a number of long thin beds around the margins; all fenced and rabbit proofed some years ago.  The edging on one bed had become totally rotten so the old wood and pegs were removed and replaced with new timber.  Cut to size at the sawmill it was a simple job to  piece things together and secure them with screws. 

In the south-eastern part of the garden the hoses supplying water to the vegetable garden and the greenhouses had become perished by the sun and were swelling up in places like a snake after a rat supper.  Trenches were dug and hoses rendered invisible under the lawn but after deciding to go up a size on our supply pipe we soon encountered a few unplanned problems.  We struggled with different sizes and mismatched male to female connectors but after a quick trip to our local hose specialist we managed to get all the right fittings.

Finally after a quick cut of the lawns, the owls were calling and it was time to head back indoors for a well earned biscuit and a cup of strong tea.

Modern heroes of horticulture - Sophie van Gerwen

Most of us were affected by the Covid lockdown of 2020.  None more so than Sophie van Gerwen whose contraction of the disease and the subsequent debilitating effects of long-covid...
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Gardeners' notes - what to do in January

Prune Pleached Limes Now is a good time to prune your pleached limes if you're lucky enough to have them.  These ‘hedges on stilts’ are a dramatic feature in a...
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Wildlife in the garden - egrets

Thirty years ago the sight of an egret in the UK wasn’t unheard of, but it was certainly a rare event.  Move on to the 2020s and sightings of these...
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