The Woodland Garden

The Woodland Garden

Located to the side of a small copse our woodland garden is a great success at this time of year.  Recently carpeted with narcissi and snowdrops and containing a range of mature shrubs this area is a joy to explore on sunny days when dappled light cuts through the branches of  silver birch and upright cornus stems.

Even on dull days the fresh golden growth of Philadelphus is like a spotlight in an otherwise shaded corner.  Ferns, sarcococca, and viburnum create the middle storey of growth and briefly, during April, the beautiful hanging blooms of Erythronium ‘Pagoda’ with their reflexed petals offer a final flourish to a perfectly painted woodland scene. 

Modern heroes of horticulture - Sophie van Gerwen

Most of us were affected by the Covid lockdown of 2020.  None more so than Sophie van Gerwen whose contraction of the disease and the subsequent debilitating effects of long-covid...
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Gardeners' notes - what to do in January

Prune Pleached Limes Now is a good time to prune your pleached limes if you're lucky enough to have them.  These ‘hedges on stilts’ are a dramatic feature in a...
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Wildlife in the garden - egrets

Thirty years ago the sight of an egret in the UK wasn’t unheard of, but it was certainly a rare event.  Move on to the 2020s and sightings of these...
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