Your February gardening to-do list

The snowdrops are in full bloom and we can just see the tips of the narcissus tete-a-tete, a sign that spring is just around the corner. Here are our top 10 jobs for you to do this month.
- Prepare raised beds for sowing vegetable seeds. We use the no-dig method and just lay one bag of compost on top of the bed
- Plant bare-rooted raspberry, blackberry and hybrid berry canes into soil you have already prepared by working in lots of organic matter.
- Dig out lawn weeds by hand. We find the best tool for this is our hori hori which can get right down to the bottom of the tap roots of daisies.
- Finish off all of the winter pruning: evergreens such as Viburnum tinus, late-flowering shrubs such as Buddleja davidii, apple and pear trees, and autumn raspberries.
- If you're planning a new lawn to sow from seed in the spring, you will need to start preparation of the ground now. Dig it over, add compost, remove any perennial weeds, take out large stones, then leave to settle for a few weeks.
- Towards the end of the month, feed herbaceous perennials, which will just be starting into new growth, with an organic-based fertiliser.
- Kick-start dahlias stored over the winter by putting several of them in a shallow box filled with compost and leave them in good light. Spray occasionally with water to encourage new growth.
- Continue heading winter pansies to encourage them to flower right into early summer.
- Think about what plant supports you will need, check what you already have, and if necessary, order some more online.
- Cut down deciduous ornamental grasses before the new shoots appear.